What about PureVPN? Does it work in China?

0 条评论 | 2024年05月28日

What about PureVPN?

PureVPN is extremely difficult to connect from China, we tried the United States, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and even the software recommended by the Vietnam node, in the IKEV, TCP, UDP, WireGuard four protocols mode, only in the UDP protocol under the U.S. node to connect once, and must be in the system does not have other VPN software to open, and turn off the system firewall. Connected about ten minutes after the disconnection, and then did not connect, connected with youtube test speed is not ideal, barely able to watch 720P, buffering. Based on this result, we don’t recommend PureVPN, if you’re looking for a more reliable Chinese wall-flipping software, we recommend ExpressVPN, AstrillVPN, PandaVPN, but from Trustpilot’s ratings, the service should be good for use abroad.

PureVPN Benefits

  • Long-term packages are less expensive, with a two-year package for $1.99 per month, 3 months free, and a 30-day no-questions-asked refund!
  • Support cryptocurrency payment, also accept credit card, PayPal, UnionPay card (not recommended)
  • Private IP available for an additional price (2.99 per month) and port forwarding available for an additional price (0.99 per month).
  • Client support is relatively full, Windows/Mac/Linux/iOS/Android/TV/Router are all supported, and the rest of the devices also provide manual setup methods (including game consoles)
  • From the Windows client we tested, IKEV, OpenVPN (TCP/UDP), WireGuard protocols are supported
  • PureVPN client supports Split Tunneling
  • Online customer service is fairly responsive

PureVPN Disadvantages

  • The biggest drawback naturally is basically can not be connected in China, we tried all the support protocols, multi-country nodes, only UDP U.S. nodes can barely, connected to the very hard, not fast, and to turn off the system firewalls and other VPNs, these limitations are very strange, so we feel that the technical level of this VPN is really not very good, which also discouraged us from further in-depth testing of the program!
  • There seems to be a bug in the client where the “Cancel Connection” will be grayed out when connecting and you can’t disconnect manually, and the server list only allows you to select a country, not a specific city.
  • Although Split Tunneling is supported, it is only supported up to the application level, and filtering by URL is not supported.
  • Only 5 devices are supported at the same time, which is a disadvantage as far as the VPN market is concerned these days
  • The client login uses an email and password, which we feel is not a secure way to log in
  • Although there is an online customer service, it doesn’t really solve much for Chinese users

How to get PureVPN

Open the official website of PureVPN, click “Get PureVPN”, choose the package, choose the payment method, enter your email and password (automatically create an account, it is recommended to use a strong foreign email and strong password), if necessary, choose additional services such as private IP/port forwarding/DDos protection, and then return to the account page after the payment is completed. After the payment is completed, you will be automatically returned to the account page, go to Apps in the left menu to download the PureVPN device client, and see “TV Apps” and “Other Devices” for the installation and settings of other devices.

There are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. The official website is walled off, you have to temporarily go over the wall before you can access it, there’s no way, more and more foreign VPNs have to be bought this way
  2. Auto-renewal is open by default, if you need to cancel, to contact customer service, if PayPal, you can go to their own PayPal account within the cancel!


From our limited testing, PureVPN’s ability to penetrate the wall is not good, it’s on the weak side of the wall-flipping software we’ve used, and we don’t recommend using it to flip the wall from China, the cost-effectiveness of using it in foreign countries is fine, the support for P2P downloads and streaming media anti-locking zone apps is good, in addition, we don’t feel the need to test further, to find wall-flipping software that works, you can look here.


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